love to spend time reading and some times I spend way too much time
reading. I love to share the books that I have read with others so that
they may learn of a book that they might not have heard of if it weren't
for hearing about it from me.
and foremost this is my personal blog and I do write about a variety of
things from the books I read to the home daycare that I operate out of
my home. I may also tend to do some venting from time to time but I do
my best to keep it all in good taste. I also run giveaways from time to
time and I also participate in weekly memes like Friday Fill-Ins, Friend
& Follow Friday, Saturday 9, Sunday Stealing and such that are
to help generate new followers.
For book reviews
I always include a cover image, title, author, publisher, publish date
and the book description with links to the author if available. I do
reviews of advanced copies from the publishers in the forms of digital
versions (for my Kindle), personal copies or audio books. I post the
reviews as I finish the books unless you would like for me to wait and
publish them on a certain date. I also post my reviews on Goodreads and
will have a contest to give away the personal copy that I receive but
you will have to request that or you can send more than one copy to be
given away. I do not receive any monetary compensation for any reviews
so if you do not request that the book be given away, I will keep it for
My favorite genres are:
Amish fiction
Christian fiction
Children's books
Forensic thrillers
Contemporary fiction
General fiction
I write my review, I give my honest opinion. I do not like Sci-Fi books
or Horror books they may be great books but that is just my taste.
have to say that I do get books from NetGalley, Book Sneeze and
Blogging For Books but that is when I request them and I get to choose
if I want what is available at that time. When I do receive a book, I
always post where I got it from if I didn't pick it up on my own.
Product Reviews, I operate an In-Home Childcare in my home and have for
20+ years now. I have children in my home 6-7 days per week from ages
of 6 months to 11 years old. I can review just about anything to do with
children from infant foods and crib beds to games and clothes for the
older children.
We love to go camping and I am currently losing weight, so anything to do with a healthy way of weight loss and exercise I am all up for. I do have to say that I can not do reviews for anything that has to do with eating or drinking the health shakes or energy drinks because of the medication that I am on. But as far as food goes, I am fair game.
I love trying new products, as some call me a new product junkie and love letting people know what I think about things.
If you are interested in me doing a review you may contact me at lovemy2dogsblog@gmail.com and I will get back with you about whether I am interested.