I started blogging in February 2009 basically because I had been listening to my sister-in-law talking about entering giveaways and winning some great things, plus I wanted a place where I could vent about my job and my life in general.
Since 2009, I have won and lot of things and given away a lot of things also. I have met a lot of great bloggers and made a lot of great friends that I have never ever met face to face. My blog has turned into more about reviews and giveaways than about me venting about my life in general. I would like to get a little of my life incorporated back into my blog some day.
Since 1992, I have been operating a Childcare in my home. I am certified through the County that I live in and as of today (Sept. 2013) they are talking about State Certifying us after they first of the year. That will bring along a lot of rule changes for us so I am sure my blogging will slow down a little until after the beginning of 2014. I currently have 13 children enrolled in my Childcare and I have 3 on the waiting list so we shall see how that goes.
I am supposed to start online classes at the University of Cincinnati in January 2014 for Early Childhood Education so that I can better my business. I am starting to have a few second thoughts about that. I have it set in the back of my mind that I would like to be a Crisis Counselor and if I have that in my heart then starting College for Early Childhood Education, I shouldn't do. At 44, I need to make up my mind, plus I need to think about retirement and Childcare really doesn't provide a retirement.
Well, enough about me. I hope you enjoy my blog and visit daily to see what is new and exciting. If you see something you like, please do let me know!