Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Wordless Wednesday: What were they thinking??

Monday, September 28, 2009
More Great Giveaways!
Scott's Natural Green Giveaway

One reader will win a Green gift bag which includes a reusable tote filled with SCOTT Naturals™ product, a reusable water bottle, green light bulbs, and cleaning products from Clorox Green Works.
Click here to enter the Scott's giveaway
One (1) Grand Prize winner receives:
A Wow Wow Wubbzy DVD Prize Pack (4 titles including Wubbzy Goes Boo)
Three (3) First Prize winners will receive:

Help, I need a do-over!
Anyway, I get a phone call this morning from one of my sweetest kiddos parent saying that she will not be here today and may not be back. Now this totally floored me. I have had her since she was 3 months old and she will be turning 5 in a couple weeks. She said that little "S" does not want to come anymore because of the three new kiddos, and she feels bad making her come. I can completely understand where she is coming from. I would not want to keep sending my child somewhere that they were miserable. When I got off the phone with her I just sat down and cried my eyes out. This little girl just makes everybody's day. We joke at our house that she is "our" daughter. I do NOT want to lose her because of some other kids, who I am losing my mind over.
What is a person to do, Hubby is not working right now and if I give up these three kiddos I lose a bunch of money each month because they are here full time. I really do need the money to keep the bills paid. But, on the other hand I definitely do NOT want to lose my little "S", that would break my heart (and Hubby's too). And, these three kiddos are making parts of my days miserable also.
I have been doing daycare since 1992 and I don't remember having kids that I could not break. I have been trying with these three for about 6 weeks. I have made some progress but not enough. They really are sweet and loving children. I do care for them a lot and there are times through out the day that I think, Wow, they are really starting to get it. But, then it all breaks loose again. They hit, kick, scream and take things from other kids. I have tried to break them of that, but it doesn't seem to be working. There is not a day that goes buy that they don't fight with each other over some toy about 20 times per day. And I know for a fact that they must sit in at least 5 time-outs each per day. I have even tried bribing them with candy. It works for a while then they give up on that. What is a woman to do?
I feel like I am going crazy here. I would just like to go back to bed and wake up in August again so that I could do a few things different. This is making me crazy. It makes me feel like a failure to little "S" and a failure in my business. And, I hate that! I feel that I should be able to handle what is brought to me. Where am I going wrong? What do I need to change? Do I drop the three new kids? What if I do and it's too late for "S" and they take her somewhere else? If I drop the three new kids, what do I do for money? My head is hurting from all this thinking and my heart is aching for "S" because she is hurting and upset.
Maybe I should have taken my Doctor up on the medication for being over stressed. And she says I should get rid of some of the stress in my life before I make myself sick. I think maybe I am there!
I talked with the mommy of the three kids and found out a few things I never knew. For one, both boys have each previously been kicked out of daycare. And that their older brothers act like that also. And, they behave and listen to their dad but not their mom. I saw that today they listen to her as well as they listen to me, which is not good at all. She completely understands if I have to quit watching them and she isn't quite sure what to do because they are a handful for her also. I didn't give her a two week notice just yet but told her that I just may have to quit watching them. And she said that she completely understands. Now, lets just hope dad feels the same way.

Saturday, September 26, 2009
Sunday Stealing: Fall Meme?

Sunday Stealing: A Fall Meme
It’s not really fall in until...
A person I know was wrong for me but about whom I frequently thought after a break-up was...no-one, really.
If you could only attend one major sporting event what would it be? A Cleveland Indians baseball game.
Assuming that you write an anonymous or partially anonymous blog, by what non-physically identifying characteristics might you be identified in a bar? Biotch
Most blogs cover some sort of niche – personal, political, dating, culinary, etc. What topic, if any, would you like to address on your blog but doesn’t fit into your niche? Financial planning
If you could manipulate the time space continuum and give as many as three pieces of advice to a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give and to what age of you? 14 years old - 1. Make sure you chose you actions wisely 2. Think before you act and to an 18 year old - DON'T BUY ON CREDIT!
Who among your friends do you really wish had a blog because their stories, or perspective on something ought to be shared? She's a family member and also a friend, Aunt J
If you were to take an e-cation (vacation from the trappings of our electronic world,) and assuming that employment obligations would allow it, how long of a break could you take? What would you miss the most, the least? I would take at least one week. I would miss the phone the least and my laptop the most.
On September 11th of this year, I attended a couple of parties and was somewhat conflicted by the fact that this ignoble anniversary shall pass with it being just another day in the eyes of many (and in some ways my own eyes as well.) Thoughts? September 11th will NEVER be just another day, never ever!!!
How high are your walls? Who was the last person to scale them? What tools should would-be climbers have on their belt? My walls...not sure.
The sexiest thing a man or a woman can say to you (or has said to you) is: Has said, "You are gorgeous!"

Shopping in the land of the Amish.
First I went to the Bent & Dent to get some groceries but today, was kinda disappointing. They didn't have a lot of different stuff. I did spend $25 and got a lot of stuff. I love going there, things are so cheap. I can buy Fruit by the Foot for $1.10 a box and brand name veggies for .35 each. (Oh, I see some sunshine!) I am trying to think what all I got there. Let's see, I got some pound cake, Fruit by the Foot, spaghetti sauce, pretzels, salmon dog treats, Hershey's Bliss candy (for the kiddos treats) and a few other things.

Did I just say kiddo treats? Whoa, they are not animals. I just try to bribe them sometimes with chocolate. It is amazing how fast 3 year olds will pick up toys for some chocolate. What have we done to our kiddos??
So, back to my day of shopping. After I went to the Bent & Dent, I went to Yoder's Bulk Foods store and got some yummy cheese. I got some hot pepper, smoked cheddar, sharp cheddar (my favorite) and butter cheese and some gummi butterflies. Yep, gummi butterflies. Have you ever heard of such a thing? I was hoping for some gummie bears but all they had was sill butterflies. Their cheese is so cheap it's only like $2.50 to $3.25 per pound, you can't beat that.
Then after that we found a new store today. It's called Ridge View Surplus & Tent Rental. It is a new store and had a lot of different things from an assortment of springs to baby strollers. I think I am going to go back out after I get paid and get this Pack-n-Playard with the bassinet (below) for $55. That is a great deal. Also they had strollers with the infant car seats that attach for like only $80. Some things of course are junk but other things aren't. It's a basic surplus store. I will definitely go back there again.
All three of these stores are close together and it seemed like everywhere we went we would see the same people at all three places.

Small Talk Six: A Poor Neighbor Just Died

Small Talk Six topics for 2009.It will be interesting to see how each participant interprets this week’s topic.
Today’s topic is “6 things you love or hate about your neighbors.” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . . .
This is a difficult one this time because one of my neighbors of 30 years just died 3 days ago. But anyway, here's my 6:
1. I love the fact that I have had two different neighbors that have stayed the same for over 30 years.
2.I hate the fact that one of my neighbors used binoculars to see who was at our house for one of my hubby's birthday parties and then told me about it.
3. I love the fact that all of my neighbors keep their properties cleaned up.
4. I hate the fact that all my neighbors keep to themselves and never visit with each other.
5. I love the fact that all my neighbors keep to themselves and never visit with each other.
6. I hate my neighbors when they are too good to wave.

Friday, September 25, 2009
Step2 Lifestyle Deluxe Kitchen (giveaway)
Step2 Lifestyle Deluxe Kitchen
Can you imagine what fun my daycare kiddos could have with this? I know I could have a lot of fun with them with this. I love Step2, they are a great company and I know this product would last forever. So hop on over to Mommy Goggles and enter to win one of these for yourself Me!!
Click here to enter the giveaway!!

Friday Fill-Ins
And...here we go!
1. One week ago we were preparing for calling hours for my wonderful mother-in-law.
2. I was stupid when I was young.
3. Mama told me or Mama always said "Life is like a box of chocolates, your never know what you're gonna get.
4. Now, it's only you and me.
5. Take your time and do it right the first time.
6. It too shall will pass!
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to visiting with my Aunt G, B & J, tomorrow my plans include relaxing and Sunday, I want to we don't really want to but I am going to calling hours for my neighbor of 30 years!
You can play along at Friday Fill-Ins

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Twitter booted me!

I so want to win this!!!

they are having an awesome giveaway. I would love to win this Modern Lines Kitchen™ for my daycare kiddos. You see, I do not have a kitchen set for them to play with. I have lots of food and dishes, but no kitchen. So, while you are over checking out the kitchen, make sure you enter for me (under your name of course). lol
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Don't Miss These Giveaways!

Here are 2 more of her giveaways that I am not going to miss out on.
One (1) reader will receive a $100 Sam’s Club Gift Card to purchase a membership or just go shopping!
Click here to enter to win the Sam's Club giveaway.
One lucky reader can join in for Shop for a Cause day with a $20 gift card to Macy’s
Macy’s customers can shop for the cause and get special savings in-store on October 17, when Macy’s hosts a national Shop For A Cause day. A portion of the $5 in-store ticket sales will benefit Feeding America.

Wordless Wednesday: I Swore I'd Never Do This

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
This caused a fight!!

It also included a coupon for a free box of Honey Kix
Can you believe this? Well you should! I won this awesome giveaway prize pack over at Barefoot Mommies

What ? Green Bean Fries?
Photo courtesy of Schwan's
Have any of you tried Green Bean Fries?
Did you like them?
What's the best way to cook them?
Did you dip them in anything?

Monday, September 21, 2009
Two Fabulous Giveaways going on NOW!!

The first one is for a wonderful PUR Flavor Options Pitcher.
Click here to enter to win the PUR Flavors Options Pitcher.

Click here to enter to win the Zhu Zhu Pets.

Sunday, September 20, 2009
Sunday Stealing: Nosey (part two)

Sunday Stealing: One Long Meme (Part Two)
27. Do you prefer to sleep or eat?
I prefer to eat then sleep:)
28. Do you look like your mom or dad?
I don't think I look like either of them. Wonder who the milkman was? lol
29. How long does it take you in the shower?
15 minutes
30. Can you do the splits?
Uh, NO!
31. What movie do you want to see right now?
Not much of a movie watcher
32. What did you do for New Year’s?
Family party.
33. Do you think The Grudge was scary?
The what??
34. Do you own a camera phone?
Doesn't everyone?
35. Was your mom a cheerleader?
Yes, she was. lol
36. What’s the last letter of your middle name?
37. How many hours of sleep do you get a night?
Around 6 and not enough.
38. Do you like Care Bears?
Well of course. Why would someone dislike the Care Bears?
39. What do you buy at the movies?
Buttered Popcorn with more butter and salt.
40. Do you know how to play poker?
41. Do you wear your seat belt?
Sure do, I don't have $75 - $80 for nothing.
42. What do you wear to sleep?
Are you supposed to wear something to sleep. Sorry lol
43. Anything big ever happen in your hometown?
We had a murder about 20-30 years ago.
44. How many meals do you eat a day?
45. Is your tongue pierced?
Certainly not.
46. Do you always read MySpace bulletins?
Nope, don't do MySpace.
47. Do you like funny or serious people better?
Funny lol
48. Ever been to L.A.?
49. Did you eat a cookie today?
No, not much of a, oh crap! Yes I did, I ate a fortune cookie at the chinese buffett.
50. Do you use cuss words in other languages?
51. Do you steal or pay for your music downloads?
Don't download music.
52. Do you hate chocolate?
Not a hater but not much of a liker either.
53. What do you and your parents fight about the most?
Dad and I don't fight but mom and I can fight about absolutely anything. The color of the sky, the date, my brother, my brother, my brother. She can fight with anyone about anything.
54. Are you a gullible person?
55. Do you need a girlfriend to be happy?
No, but it's nice to have one to talk to. And I mean a friend who is a girl, NOT a GIRLfriend.
56. If you could have any job (assuming you have the skills) what what would it be?
Probably a nurse.
57. Are you easy to get along with?
I think I am.
58. What is your favorite time of day?
Naptime and bedtime.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009
May She Rest In Peace!!

RIP Nancy!!
You will missed by all!!

Wordless Wednesday: Diaper Content

You can also check out the Mostly Wordless Wednesday H.Q. over at Ordinary and Awesome.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
2 More Awesome Giveaways over at 3kidsandus!!
One (1) lucky reader will win a Casio Exilim EX-S12 in Silver.
and she is also giving away:
One lucky reader will win a 5 x 7 (12 tiles) Flor rug of choice (excluding Coir and Shaggy Sheep)

Click here to enter the Flor rug giveaway.
I would love to have both of these. I am always misplacing my camera and missing a great shot of the daycare kiddos. I also could use a new Flor rug for my new covered porch or they have a really neat rug in shapes of circles that would be great for reading and learning time for the daycare kiddos.