Monday, May 24, 2010
Why Do Women Gain Weight?

Saturday, May 22, 2010
Camp Club Girls ~ McKenzie's Montana Mystery Book Review
SubTitle: Camp Club Girls Book 3
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc.
Publish Date: 3-1-2010
Category: FICTION - JUVENILE: Mystery & Detective Stories, Law & Crime
When Bailey and McKenzie arrive to help at a horse ranch in Montana, they’re immediately entrenched in mysteries: a horse disappearing into thin air, spookiness in an abandoned western town, and ranch hand upheaval. And with all the unexpected action going on, how will they ever find time to prepare for their rodeo competitions? Can the Camp Club Girls successfully combine their skills to help Bailey and McKenzie save the ranch…and the rodeo for Sunshine Stables?
About Camp Club Girls:
Camp Club Girls is a series of 24 books that is geared to girls ages 8 to 12 years of age. They will enjoy mystery, mayhem and adventure found in this series. Each of the books focuses on one girl, even though the other girls are involved in each story and they each have special skills like, analyzing, spiritual insight, gadgetry, physical strength and research, that they use to help the whole group of girls solve mysteries.
Camp Club Girls also offers reader contests over on their website, so be sure to check it out too.
What I thought about the book:
This is the third book in the series and I have read all three. Even though these are geared towards girls ages 8 to 12, I find them interesting. This book is a really fast read for me with it only having 160 pages. McKenzie's is a very intelligent young girl who really doesn't let much get by her. In this book they are at a horse ranch to help out with a kids camp and they are also there to practice for a rodeo, calf roping, a Junior Miss Rodeo Queen and when they get to camp they find out that the famous horse, Diamond Girl has come up missing. This really disturbs McKenzie and Bailey and they won't give up until the figure out what happened to her. I think these are really wonderful books for tweens and highly recommend them.

The Gunsmith's Gallantry (Ladies Shooting Club Book 2) ~ Book Review
Subtitle: Ladies Shooting Club (Book Two)
Author: Susan Paige Davis
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc
Publish Date: 6-1-2010
Things in town change especially for Bitsy Shepard and her salon and also for Isabel Fennel when her father, Cyrus finds himself in a bit of trouble. But, once again The Ladies Shooting Club helps out Ethan with his duties as a law officer.
I really enjoyed this book as much as I did the first one in the Series. You can read my review of The Sheriff's Surrender (Ladies Shooting Club Book One) here. You don't want to miss this series, you will love it, I am sure.
You can find this book online at:
- About the Author:

Awesome GIVEAWAY in Bloggy Land

Friday, May 21, 2010
Aloha Friday and Friday Fill-Ins

Well it's Friday again and over at Island Life you can play along with this fun and interesting meme.
So, here is my question:
What is your all-time favorite meal?
I would have to say that mine is the Ultimate Feast from Red Lobster. I would have to take off the Walt's Shrimp and add another Shrimp Scampi. Too Yummy!
If you would like to play along, you can do so over at Island Life.

And...here we go!
1. _____________ never fails to make me smile.
2. I'm looking forward to ____the weekend off_____.
3. _____Yo Gabba Gabba_____ is what I'm listening to right now.
4. Potato salad must have ______eggs_______ in it!
5. ______Since I have only had a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit from McDonalds I would have to say that it________ was the best thing I ate today.
6. Today was ____rainy but it's not over with yet____.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __watching kiddos (if that's something to look forward to)___, tomorrow my plans include ___maybe playing cards with the girls__ and Sunday, I want to __visit the Grandparents___!
If you would like to play along, you can do so over at Friday Fill-Ins.

Thursday, May 20, 2010
Audio Book Challenge: I Alex Cross & The Unnamed ~ Book Reviews

The hunt for the murderer leads Alex and his girlfriend, Detective Brianna Stone, to Washington's most infamous club--a place where every fantasy is possible, if you have the credentials to get in. The killer could be one of their patrons, one of Washington's elite who will do anything to keep their secrets buried.
With astonishing plot twists and electrifying revelations that will keep readers on the edge of their seat, I Am Alex Cross is James Patterson's most suspenseful Alex Cross novel yet.
I do recommend this book even though some of the things disturbed me but it was a great book anyway.
Now, the 6th book I have listened to for my challenge was The Unnamed by Joshua Ferris

Joshua Ferris' debut novel Then We Came to the End was both heralded by critics and a New York Times best seller, and marked the arrival of a startlingly talented young writer. With The Unnamed, Ferris imagines the collision between one man's free will and the forces of nature that are bigger than any of us.
Tim Farnsworth walks. He walks out of meetings and out of bed. He walks in sweltering heat and numbing cold. He will walk without stopping until he falls asleep, wherever he is. This curious affliction has baffled medical experts around the globe - and comes perilously close to ruining what should be a happy life. Tim has a loving family, a successful law career and a beautiful suburban home, all of which he maintains spectacularly well until his feet start moving again.
What drives a man to stay in a marriage, in a job? What forces him away? Is love or conscience enough to overcome the darker, stronger urges of the natural world? The Unnamed is a deeply felt, luminous novel about modern life, ancient yearnings, and the power of human understanding.
What I thought about the book:
Oh, where shall I begin. This is definitely a book that you cannot miss any pieces. And with the way I sometimes have to listen to books little bits at a time, it is easy to miss what is going on. I enjoyed the book but when I was all finished, I just didn't get it.
by Wanda E. Brunstetter
2. Looking for a Miracle
by Wanda E. Brunstetter
3. Plain and Fancy
by Wanda E. Brunstetter
4. The Hope Chest
by Wanda E. Brunstetter

Thinking Of Starting A NEW Business?? Check This Out!
Well, I was told about this really neat contest for women who are wanting to start their own business. It's called the:

HUGGIES MomInspired Grant Program will be awarding up to $15,000 for seed money as well as business resources to further the development of the original product ideas. Available grants range from $1,000, $5,000, $10,000 and $15,000 based on applicants needs and goals.
Now, the HUGGIES MomInspired Grant Program is accepting grant proposals from applicants that are women, over the age of 21 and a current US resident. These proposals must be thoroughly considered product ideas that nurture the relationship between mother and child.
HUGGIES will award grants for ideas that are designed to make life easier for parents so that they can better enjoy their lives with the children from pre-natal to 6 years of age. They will be taking into consideration originality, relevancy, potential commercial viability, the joys of parenting and the Huggies innovations standards for mom-designed creations. These ideas do not have to be diaper or hygiene related either.
If you would like to see what some other women have invented you can read about them on HUGGIES Mother's of Invention page.
Now, I am sure that us mother's are always thinking, "I wish you could get_______." or "Why doesn't someone come up with a ____________?" Now here is your chance to be one of those women who invents one of those things that we all wish we had.
Click the picture below to check it out further.

Disclosure: By posting this information, I am entered into a contest to win a $250 American Express giftcard from MomSelect. I did not receive any compensation for this post and the thoughts and opinions expressed are my own.
Thursday's Things To Think About #6
Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii?
You can use this linky to post your own "Thursday's Things to Think About"

Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Get a FREE Kids Book At Borders
This is a wonderful thing for the older kiddos. Now I just have to find out where the nearest Borders, Borders Express or Waldenbooks is to me. They recently closed the Waldenbooks near me.
I was thinking that I would get the older kiddos signed up and then give them a deadline and if they read the 10 books then I will take them to Borders for them to pick their FREE book. Now they only have a select few that they get to choose their FREE book from but it is an incentive.

Awesome GIVEAWAYS in Bloggy Land

Over at Two Little Cavaliers you can enter to win this Drinkwell Platinum Pet Fountain, from America's Pet Store.

Over at Minnesota Mama's Must Have's you can enter to win this Flick 2 DVD.
Click here to enter!

Over at Minnesota's Mama's Must Have's you can also enter to win this STEP2 Gather and Grille Outdoor Playhouse.
Click here to enter!
Over at 3 Kids and Us you can enter to win this awesome Paula Deen 12 piece Cookware Set.
Click here to enter!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Wordless Wednesday: Daycare Kiddos
If you would like to see more Wordless Wednesday pictures you can visit 5 Minutes For Mom, MomDot, Jolly Mom and Life Down Our Lane and Go Graham Go.

Lexi is a "NEW HERO"
Alex's Lemonade Stand Foundation.
The kids manning the lemonade stand may not be shouting at passing cars or at the people on the sidewalk. But you can't miss them. They hold their signs high and they just exude enthusiasm. Their smiles are like magnets, pulling you toward their table.
They're first graders from the Ohio School for the Deaf. The lemonade stand started last year as a volunteer project for OSD's upperclassmen but the younger students wanted to get involved, too.
This year, they're raising money for pediatric cancer and, specifically, for a friend who's in the middle of a year-long battle with neuroblastoma, an aggressive form of childhood cancer.
Seven-year-old Alexis Howard has endured six rounds of chemotherapy, radiation treatments, a painful transplant using her own stem cells and is even part of a research study. She's a fighter.
Alexis' dad, Scot Howard, says neuroblastoma is often misdiagnosed because it produces symptoms similar to other ailments. Alexis' tumor was discovered during an x-ray. Before it was detected, it had grown so large that it fractured several bones in her spine. Doctors started her cancer treatment immediately.
"It's just been amazing how fast people have come together and just helped and want to help. People you don't even know. I just can't say enough about that," Scot says, getting a little emotional.
"Some of the bills are $30,000 for this and $10,000 for that, y'know," he says. The medical bills are a strain on the family budget but they're getting by thanks, in part, to the support and generosity of people like these.
The students from OSD raised more than $1700 last year. They are hoping to raise even more this year.
The OSD students will be at their lemonade stand through Friday, May 7, 11:45am - 1:15pm, on the sidewalk in front of Panera Bread, 4519 North High Street in Clintonville.
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Lexi Update: 2nd Rounds of Antibody Infusions

Monday, May 17, 2010 11:11 PM, EDT
Today has been a strange day, but so far Alexis's side effects haven't been too bad. The nurse practitione
Today on the way to the hospital we received great news! The doctors finally gave the Make a Wish foundation the okay to plan our trip to Disney World for either October or November! When I asked Alexis if that sounded like good news to her, she said "No why do we have to wait so long!" Of course our first choice of dates is going to be during the week of Alexis's birthday which is October 18th! We are all very excited!
The next two weeks, I am working som

Monday, May 17, 2010
What's THAT Smell??
So me and Miss Syd are off to the store, which of course we spent more than we should have but hey, we got what I was after. BabyBack Ribs that were on sale to take camping Memorial Day weekend and a beef roast so that I can try to fix this craving for Open faced roast beef sandwich with mashed potatoes and gravy. You see, the only family "mom and pop" type of restaurant that was around here that was any good closed so now I am not sure where I am going to get that fix.
Well anyway, back to my story....
Hubby also wanted a sausage biscuit with cheese and a sweet tea from McDonald's, which I wasn't not about to complain about because I could get me a sandwich also. So after the Kroger excursion Miss Syd and I made our stop at McD's. Now as I am getting our food, Hubby calls and of course I missed his call. Ugg! So I call him back and he wants cough syrup...........from Krogers. Needless to say, he didn't get that. I told him I would go back but he said no, he will get it later.
Now when we finally arrive home I take in the Mc Donald's, which was Hubby's idea and get everything out of the bag and guess what? You betcha! Mc Donald's was at their best again today. I ordered a SAUSAGE BISCUIT WITH CHEESE, I know I did because I saw it on the drive thru order screen. Is that what he got? Hell NO! He got an egg and cheese biscuit. I swear that McDonald's is in such a big freakin' hurry all the time they are lucky to get anything right. I suppose that now instead of just counting everything I am going to have to sit there and open each and everything to make sure it is right. Hell, maybe I will just go inside and ask to stand beside them and hold their hand while they make it, so I know it is right. Gee you think we go in there and order a cheeseburger no onion, pickle or mustard. NO, we order everything normal.....well except we add cheese. UGG!
As we are eating out daughters dog, who doesn't know how to burp...he just throws up, pukes on the kitchen floor. Yum! It's going to be a long day today.
Then, after I finish eating I unload the groceries and put them all away except for what needs to go into the camper for our Memorial Day weekend. Going to put those ribs and bacon in the freezer and the condiments in the fridge and as I am walking in I think "Huh, what is that strange smell?" Well I figured it out. The freakin' fridge quit working. Not only did it quit working but, it quit working with a Klondike bar, hamburgers, bacon and sausage in the freezer and condiments and biscuits in the fridge. Oh wow, does that stuff ever smell. Who knows when it quit. I tried to clean the Klondike bar out of the fridge and well there was a lot of gagging going on.
So my bucket of pine-sol and can of FeBreeze is sitting in my kitchen waiting for me to go out and scrub the fridge. Next time I may need to turn the hot water down a bit but I was angry and used the hottest water and well I can't put my darn hand in it yet.
Now that is not it, while I am in the camper I turn and look at the kitchen sink and where is the faucet?? It's laying in the damn sink. Laying. I don't think that that is where it belongs. It has been broken off and is just laying there looking at me. Oh I so wish I knew the story to the death of the faucet. Now for some reason they put plastic faucets in campers but for it to just break and fall into the sink.
Now, Hubby and our daughter have our 3 dogs at the vets office getting their nails trimmed and hopefully they will not bring home any more horror stories for me to tell today. For heaven's sakes.....it's only 10:20am.
Calgon.....take me away!!!

Sunday, May 16, 2010
A Menu For Romance (Brides of Bonneterre, Book 2) ~ Book Review

Title: A Menu For Romance
Subtitle: Brides of Bonneterre Book Two
Author: Kaye Dacus
Publisher: Barbour Publishing, Inc
Publish Date: 7-1-2009
About the Author:

You can find Kaye Dacus on Facebook and Twitter.

DOVE Ultimate Anti-perspirant Deodorant ~ Review

- Shaving reduces the top layer of skin by 20 percent, and can result in irritation and skin dryness.
- Moisturization is essential for healthy underarm skin.
- As a result of shaving, underarm skin loses 50 percent more water, which can cause dryness and inflammation.
Dove® Deodorant partnered with Beverly Hills dermatologist and co-author of The Beauty Prescription Dr. Debra Luftman to identify your underarm skin type through a few simple questions. The result: a personalized deodorant recommendation perfect for your underarm skin type.
Take the quiz and arm yourself with the information you need for your next trip to the store. Click here
Dove Ultimate anti-perspirant/deodorant contains a tri-moisturizing system that soothes shaving irritation and helps replenish delicate underarm skin
• The most caring anti-perspirant/deodorant formula made by Dove among invisible solids
• Tri-moisturizing system: occlusive, humectant and nourishing, which includes Dove 1/4 Translucent Moisturizers™ to care for and condition skin
The tri-moisturizing system found in Dove Ultimate anti-perspirant/deodorant consists of the following moisturizers:
• Humectant – works like a magnet to hold in moisture under the skin’s surface, keeping delicate underarm skin conditioned
• Occlusive Layer – forms a layer on the surface of the skin to prevent moisture loss, which can cause dryness
• Nourishing Moisturizer – Contains natural sunflower oil that is known to help boost the skin's natural moisture barrier to soothe shaving irritation and help deliver soft, smooth underarm skin with Dove 1/4 Translucent Moisturizers™
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Humectant | Occlusive Layer | Nourishing Moisturizer |
Dove Ultimate delivers outstanding skincare benefits while providing 24-hour odor and wetness protection
• Alleviates white marks
• Cares for delicate underarm skin

Now, have you ever heard of a Piticure? Well I hadn't until I was sent the information for the Dove Ultimate Anti-Perspirant Deodorant to review. I have heard of Pedicure but not a Piticure. So check out this video and see what you think.