Cheers to all of us thieves!
Sunday Stealing: The Pretentious Blogging Meme
1. How long have you been blogging? It will be one year in about a week.
2. What made you start? My sister in law, she twisted my arm behind my back to start entering blogger giveaways so that I could win some of the awesome prizes. lol
3. Who inspired you? See #3.
4. About how many hours a week would you estimate you spend on your blog? Way to freaking many, but not as many as I did before I started FarmVille and Country Life.
5. What kind of experience or background do you have with writing? If you read my blog you will see that I have NONE.
6. Talk about how you come up with blog topics. Where do you get your ideas? My crazy head and my crazy head.
7. What or who inspires you and your blog? Not sure.
8. Where and/or how do your brainstorming for your blog? I live a busy life so that's where it comes from.
9. Do you have any blogging rules or guidelines you follow? Not really, just to be myself.
10. Is there anything you will not blog about? If there is, I have not came across it yet.
11. Do you have any sort of a publishing schedule in terms of day of week or topic? I like to do a few memes, I would like to not think of it as a schedule. lol