Friday, July 31, 2009
How is Neuroblastoma Diagnosed?
How is Neuroblastoma diagnosed?
The diagnosis of neuroblastoma often begins when parents see certain abnormal signs or symptoms in their child.
Signs and symptoms
The signs and symptoms of neuroblastoma can vary widely depending on the size and location of the original tumor, the extent of spread to other parts of the body, and whether or not the tumor cells secrete hormones.
Signs or symptoms caused by the main tumor
One of the most common signs of a neuroblastoma is an unusual lump or mass. These are usually found in the child's abdomen, causing it to swell. The child may not want to eat (which can lead to weight loss) or may complain of feeling full or having discomfort or pain. But the lump itself is usually not tender to the touch. Masses can also occur in other places such as the neck.
Sometimes, swelling from the tumor may affect parts of the body that do not contain any cancer cells, especially the legs and, in males, the scrotum. This happens when tumors in the abdomen or chest press against or invade and clog the blood and lymph vessels, preventing fluids from circulating back to the heart.
In some cases the pressure from a growing tumor can cause problems with the child's bladder or bowel.
Pressure from the tumor on, or invasion into, the superior vena cava (the large vein in the chest that returns blood from the head and neck to the heart) can cause swelling in the face or throat. This, in turn, may make it hard for the child to breathe or swallow.
Neuroblastomas that compress certain nerves in the chest or neck can sometimes cause other symptoms, such as drooping eyelids and small pupils (the black areas in the center of the eyes). Pressure on other nerves near the spine may affect the child's ability to feel or move the arms or legs.
Signs or symptoms caused by the spread of the tumor
About 2 out of 3 cases of neuroblastoma have spread to other parts of the body by the time they are found.
Neuroblastoma frequently spreads to bones. If this has occurred, a child who can talk may complain of pain in the bones. The pain may be so bad that the child limps or refuses to walk. If it spreads to the backbone, tumors may compress the spinal cord and cause weakness, numbness, or paralysis.
Blue or purple patches that look like small blueberries may indicate spread to the skin. Sometimes there is bruising around the eyes. In some cases the neuroblastoma may spread to the back of the eye, causing it to protrude (stick out slightly).
If the bone marrow (the inner parts of certain bones that make blood cells) is affected, the child may not have enough red blood cells, white blood cells, or blood platelets. These shortages of blood cells can result in tiredness, irritability, weakness, frequent infections, and excessive bleeding from small cuts or scrapes.
Rarely, bleeding can be caused by loss of clotting factors in the blood, which is due to clotting and excessive breakdown of tissue inside a large tumor. This is known as a consumption coagulopathy and can be life threatening.
A special widespread form of neuroblastoma (known as stage 4S) occurs only during the first few months of life. In this special form, the neuroblastoma has spread to the liver, to the skin, and/or to the bone marrow (in small amounts). The liver can become very large. Despite the fact that the cancer is already widespread when it is found, stage 4S neuroblastoma is very treatable, and almost all children can be cured, usually with minimal treatment.
Signs or symptoms caused by hormones from the tumor
Neuroblastoma is one of the few cancers in children that release hormones that can cause strange changes in the body. These changes are called paraneoplastic syndromes.
Symptoms of paraneoplastic syndromes can include:
- fever (in about 1 out of 4 children)
- constant diarrhea
- high blood pressure (causing irritability)
- rapid heartbeat
- reddening (flushing) of the skin
- sweating
An uncommon symptom is called the opsoclonus-myoclonus-ataxia syndrome or "dancing eyes, dancing feet." In this situation, the child has irregular, rapid eye movements (opsoclonus), twitch-like muscle spasms (myoclonus), and appears uncoordinated when standing or walking (ataxia). He or she may also have trouble speaking. For unknown reasons, neuroblastoma tumors that cause this syndrome tend to be less life-threatening than other forms of the disease.
Medical history and physical exam
If your child has signs or symptoms that may suggest a neuroblastoma, the doctor will want to take a complete medical history to check for more symptoms. A physical exam can provide information about signs of a neuroblastoma and other health problems. For example, the doctor may find a child has high blood pressure or may be able to see or feel an abnormal mass in the body.
If symptoms and/or the results of the physical exam suggest a neuroblastoma (or other tumor) might be present, more involved tests will likely be done. These might include blood and urine tests, imaging tests, and biopsies. These tests are important because many of the symptoms and signs of neuroblastoma can also be caused by other cancers or by non-cancerous diseases.
Blood and urine tests
Blood or urine catecholamine tests: Neuroblastoma can often be found by detecting substances called catecholamines in the blood or urine. Sympathetic nerve cells normally release certain chemicals called catecholamines, such as epinephrine (adrenaline). Eventually the body breaks these down into metabolites (smaller pieces), which are then passed out of the body in the urine.
In most cases, neuroblastoma cells make enough catecholamines to be detected by blood or urine tests. The 2 catecholamine metabolites most often measured are:
- homovanillic acid (HVA)
- vanillylmandelic acid (VMA)
Other lab tests: Your child's doctor will probably also order blood tests to check blood cell counts, liver and kidney function, and the salt balance in the body. A urinalysis (urine test) may also be done to further check kidney function.
Imaging tests
Imaging tests use x-rays, magnetic fields, sound waves, or radioactive substances to create pictures of the inside of the body. Imaging tests may be done for a number of reasons, including to help find out whether a suspicious area might be cancerous, to learn how far cancer may have spread, and to help determine if treatment has been effective. Most patients who have or may have cancer will have one or more of these tests.
Neuroblastoma patients are generally quite young, so it can be difficult to perform some of these tests. Parents and medical staff need to be very patient.
X-rays: X-rays can be useful for looking for cancer spread to the bones. An x-ray of the head may be done to be see if cancer has spread to the skull bones. A bone scan (described below) is usually better for looking at the bones in the rest of the body, but x-rays may be used in infants, where a bone scan might not be possible. A standard chest x-ray may be done if doctors suspect that the tumor has invaded the lungs, but a CT or MRI scan of the chest can show the area in more detail.
Computed tomography (CT or CAT) scan: CT scans can be useful to look for neuroblastoma in the abdomen, pelvis, and chest.
The CT scan is an x-ray test that produces detailed cross-sectional images of parts of the body. Instead of taking one picture, like a regular x-ray, a CT scanner takes many pictures as it rotates around your child while he or she lies on a table. A computer then combines these pictures into images of slices of the part of the body being studied. Unlike a regular x-ray, a CT scan creates detailed images of the soft tissues in the body.
Your child may be asked to drink a contrast solution and/or receive an IV (intravenous) line through which a contrast dye is injected. This helps better outline structures in the body. The contrast may cause some flushing (a feeling of warmth, especially in the face). Some people are allergic and get hives. Rarely, more serious reactions like trouble breathing or low blood pressure can occur. Be sure to tell the doctor if your child has ever had a reaction to any contrast material used for x-rays.
CT scans take longer than regular x-rays, but not as long as MRI scans. Your child will need to lie still on a table while they are being done. During the test, the table moves in and out of the scanner, a ring-shaped machine that completely surrounds the table. Some people feel a bit confined by the ring they have to lie in while the pictures are being taken. In some cases, your child may be sedated (given medicine to make them sleepy) before the test to reduce movement and help make sure the pictures come out well.
In recent years, spiral CT (also known as helical CT) has become available in many medical centers. This type of CT scan uses a faster machine. The scanner part of the machine rotates around the body continuously, allowing doctors to collect the images much more quickly than with a standard CT. This lowers the chance of "blurred" images occurring as a result of breathing motion. It also lowers the dose of radiation received during the test. The biggest advantage may be that the "slices" it images are thinner, which yields more detailed pictures and allows doctors to look at suspicious areas from different angles.
CT-guided needle biopsy: CT scans can also be used to precisely guide a biopsy needle into a tumor. For this procedure, the patient remains on the CT scanning table while a radiologist advances a biopsy needle through the skin and toward the mass. CT scans are repeated until the doctors are sure that the needle is within the mass. A fine needle biopsy sample (tiny fragment of tissue) or a core needle biopsy sample (a thin cylinder of tissue about 1/2-inch long and less than 1/8-inch in diameter) is then removed and looked at under a microscope. In children, this procedure is always done under general anesthesia (where the child is asleep).
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan: MRI scans provide detailed images of soft tissues in the body. But MRI scans use radio waves and strong magnets instead of x-rays, so there is no radiation involved. The energy from the radio waves is absorbed by the body and then released in a pattern formed by the type of body tissue and by certain diseases. A computer translates the pattern into a very detailed image of parts of the body. A contrast material called gadolinium may be injected into a vein before the scan to better see details, but contrast is needed less often than with a CT scan.
MRI scans are most helpful in looking at the brain and spinal cord. MRI may be slightly better than CT at evaluating the extent of neuroblastoma, but it can be more difficult for the child. MRI scans may take up to an hour to have done. For most MRI machines, your child has to lie inside a narrow tunnel, which can be confining. While newer "open" MRI machines can help with this, the test still requires a person to stay still for long periods of time. The machines also make buzzing and clicking noises that may be disturbing. This may require that the child is sedated before testing.
Ultrasound: Ultrasound uses sound waves whose echoes produce a picture of internal organs or masses. A small microphone-like instrument called a transducer emits sound waves and picks up the echoes as they bounce off body tissues. The echoes are converted by a computer into a black and white image that is displayed on a computer screen.
Ultrasound is a fairly quick and easy procedure that involves no radiation, which is why it is often one of the first tests done if an internal mass is suspected. To have an ultrasound exam, the child simply lies on a table (or the parent holds the child) and a technician moves the transducer over the skin overlying the part of the body being examined. Usually, the skin is lubricated with gel first.
Sometimes an ultrasound is used to find masses in the abdomen. It can also detect if kidneys have become swollen because the outflow of urine has been blocked by enlarged lymph nodes or a mass. It is particularly useful in checking to see if internal tumors are shrinking.
MIBG scan: This scan uses a form of the chemical meta-iodobenzylguanidine (MIBG) that contains radioactive iodine. MIBG is similar to norepinephrine, a chemical made by sympathetic nerve cells. It is injected into a vein and travels through the bloodstream, and in most patients it will attach to neuroblastoma cells anywhere in the body. Several hours or days later, the body is scanned with a special camera to look for areas that picked up the radioactivity. This allows doctors to find the neuroblastoma and spot whether it has spread to the bones and/or other parts of the body.
This test is preferred by many doctors as a standard way to evaluate children with neuroblastoma. It can be repeated after treatment to see if it has been effective. It is also good to know if the tumor takes up the MIBG because in some cases, this radioactive molecule can be used (at higher doses) to treat the neuroblastoma (see the radiation therapy section in "How is neuroblastoma treated?").
Positron emission tomography (PET) scan: PET scans involve injecting a chemical like glucose (a form of sugar) that contains a radioactive atom into the blood. The amount of radioactivity used is very low. Because cancer cells in the body are growing rapidly, they absorb large amounts of the radioactive sugar. A special camera can then create a picture of areas of radioactivity in the body. The picture is not finely detailed like a CT or MRI scan, but it can provide helpful information about the whole body.
Some newer machines are able to perform both a PET and CT scan at the same time (PET/CT scan). This allows the doctor to compare areas of higher radioactivity on the PET with the appearance of that area on the CT.
Bone scan: A bone scan can help show if a cancer has metastasized (spread) to the bones, and can provide a picture of the entire skeleton at once.
For this test, a small amount of low-level radioactive material (technetium-99) is injected into a vein (intravenously, or IV). The substance settles in areas of damaged bone throughout the entire skeleton over the course of a couple of hours. Your child then lies on a table for about 30 minutes while a special camera detects the radioactivity and creates a picture of the skeleton. (This may require sedation fro smaller children.)
Areas of active bone changes appear as "hot spots" on the skeleton -- that is, they attract the radioactivity. These areas may suggest the presence of cancer, but other bone diseases can also cause the same pattern. To distinguish between these conditions, other imaging tests such as plain x-rays or MRI scans, or even a bone biopsy might be needed.
Neuroblastoma often causes bone damage, which a bone scan will find. This used to be a standard test, but it has been largely replaced by the MIBG scan.
Signs and symptoms, lab tests, and imaging tests may strongly suggest that a neuroblastoma is present, a biopsy (removing some of the tumor for viewing under a microscope and other lab testing) is the only way to be certain.
During a biopsy, the doctor removes a sample of the tumor mass. This is done either during an operation by cutting away a piece of the tumor through an opening on the skin (known as an incisional biopsy or open biopsy) or by placing a large, hollow needle through the skin and into the tumor (known as a needle biopsy or closed biopsy). In adults such biopsies are sometimes done using local anesthetic (numbing medicine), but in children they are more often done while the child is under general anesthesia (asleep).
The sample is then viewed under a microscope by a pathologist. Some cases of neuroblastoma are easily recognized when looked at by doctors experienced in testing children's tumor samples. But some cases may be hard to tell apart from other types of children's cancers. In these situations, special tests such as immunohistochemistry must be done. For this test, a portion of the sample is treated with special proteins (antibodies) that specifically attach to substances in neuroblastoma cells but not other cancers. Chemicals (stains) are then added so that cells containing these substances change color and can be easily recognized under a microscope. This lets the pathologist know that the tumor is a neuroblastoma.
Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy: Neuroblastoma often spreads to the bone marrow (the soft inner parts of certain bones). If blood or urine levels of catecholamines are increased, then finding cancer cells in a bone marrow sample is enough to diagnose neuroblastoma. If neuroblastoma has already been diagnosed by a biopsy done elsewhere in the body, bone marrow testing is done to help determine the extent of the disease.
A bone marrow aspiration and biopsy are usually done at the same time. In most cases the samples are taken from the back of both of the pelvic (hip) bones.
For a bone marrow aspiration, the child lies on a table (on his or her side or belly). After cleaning the area, the skin over the hip and the surface of the bone are numbed with local anesthetic, which may cause a brief stinging or burning sensation. In many cases, the child is also given other medicines to reduce pain or may even be asleep during the procedure. A thin, hollow needle is then inserted into the bone and a syringe is used to suck out a small amount of liquid bone marrow. Even with the anesthetic, most patients still have some brief pain when the marrow is removed.
A bone marrow biopsy is usually done just after the aspiration. A small piece of bone and marrow (about 1/16 inch in diameter and 1/2 inch long) is removed with a slightly larger needle that is twisted as it is pushed down into the bone. The biopsy may also cause some brief pain. Once the biopsy is done, pressure will be applied to the site to help stop any bleeding.
Samples from the bone marrow are sent to a pathology lab, where they are looked at and tested for the presence of cancer cells.
Last Medical Review: 10/22/2008Last Revised: 10/22/2008

Thursday, July 30, 2009
What is Neuroblastoma??
What is Neuroblastoma??
Neuroblastoma is a form of cancer that starts in certain types of very primitive developing nerve cells found in an embryo or fetus. (The term neuro indicates "nerves," while blastoma refers to a cancer that affects immature or developing cells). This type of cancer occurs in infants and young children. It is rarely found in children older than 10 years.
In order to understand neuroblastoma, it helps to know something about the normal structure and function of the sympathetic nervous system.
About the sympathetic nervous system
The nervous system consists of the brain, spinal cord, and the nerves that reach out from them to all areas of the body. The nervous system is essential for thinking, sensation, and movement, among other things.
Part of the nervous system also controls body functions we are rarely aware of, such as heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, digestion, and other functions. This part of the nervous system is known as the autonomic nervous system.
The sympathetic nervous system is a part of the autonomic nervous system. It includes:
- nerve fibers that run along either side the spinal cord
- clusters of nerve cells called ganglia (plural of ganglion) at certain points along the path of the nerve fibers
- nerve-like cells found in the medulla (center) of the adrenal glands. The adrenals are small glands that sit on top of each kidney. These glands make the hormone adrenaline.
The main cells that make up the nervous system are called neurons. These cells communicate with other types of cells in the body by releasing tiny amounts of chemicals (hormones). This is important, because neuroblastoma cells often release certain hormones that can cause symptoms (see the section, "How is neuroblastoma diagnosed?").
How neuroblastomas grow
Neuroblastomas are cancers that start in early nerve cells of the sympathetic nervous system, so they can be found anywhere along this system.
A little more than 1 out of 3 neuroblastomas start in the adrenal glands. About 1 out of 3 begins in the sympathetic nerve ganglia of the abdomen. The rest start in sympathetic ganglia of the chest or neck or in the pelvis.
In rare cases, a neuroblastoma may have spread so widely by the time it is found that doctors can't tell exactly where it started.
Neuroblastomas can behave strangely. Sometimes the cells die without any cause and the tumor disappears. Tumor disappearance is much more common in very young infants than in older children. Another behavior that is unusual for childhood tumors is that the cells sometimes mature spontaneously into normal ganglion cells and stop dividing. This causes the tumor to become a ganglioneuroma (see below).
Other autonomic nervous system tumors
Not all childhood autonomic nervous system tumors are malignant (cancerous). There is a benign tumor called ganglioneuroma which is made up of of mature ganglion and nerve sheaths that do not continue to grow.
Ganglioneuroblastoma is a tumor that has both malignant and benign parts. It contains neuroblasts (immature nerve cells) that can grow and spread abnormally, as well as areas of more mature tissue that are similar to ganglioneuroma.
Ganglioneuromas are usually removed by surgery and looked at carefully under a microscope to be certain they do not have areas of ganglioneuroblastoma. If the final diagnosis is ganglioneuroma, no other treatment is needed. In contrast, ganglioneuroblastomas are treated the same as neuroblastomas (see the section "How is neuroblastoma treated?").
Last Medical Review: 10/22/2008Last Revised: 10/22/2008

Little "L" update

My heart is breaking for this little 6 year old and her family. She is one of my daycare kiddos that I keep in my home, which I have been doing for over 5 years. I just can not imagine what her family is going through. Such a horrible thing for such a little princess. I have sat and thought should we have seen signs? Should we have been doing something different? I know and understand that it is nothing that her parents or I have or have not done but it just makes you feel so awful knowing that this was growing inside her and we never knew.
I would love to show you all precious she is but I am not about putting pictures of the daycare kiddos on here without their parents permission, and I don't think now would be a good time to ask. Please pray for her!!

Stage 4

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Wordless Wednesday

Sad news :(
She is 6 1/2 years old, please pray for her.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009
My day went to HELL!!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009
So Much For Relaxation
The campground that we go to has a swimming pool therefore me and Hubby have to take the nieces to the pool so they can swim. Why us? They aren't camping with us? Well, because my parents won't take them. And it's not quite fair that they don't get to swim.
Then to add to the list of people, my brother, his wife and son show up also. Boy by this time we are just having a dag gone family reunion. I wanted some relaxing time... So much for that. I did take my book and my chair and move away from everyone and do some reading. I am sure that they thought I was being a true biotch, but oh well. I don't get much peace and quiet at my house with having daycare kiddos there all the time.
Next time, I think I will just run away and not tell anybody. lol No actually Hubby and I are planning a camping trip in August with NO extra visitors!! No tons of mouths to cook for, just us.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Monday Crazy Questions

Welcome to the July 27th version of Monday Crazy Questions.(which is posted by Sunday eve)
Every Monday questions are posted that I hope are a little thought provoking!
This is just a short meme meant to have some quick fun and not get too tedious! Copy and paste the questions onto your blog, answer the questions and DON'T FORGET TO SIGN IN MR LINKY HERE to let everyone know where your answers are.
Post pictures in your answers to the meme if you want to!
Have fun!
1. Your mate or spouse or the person you have known on a personal level for quite a while, comes to you and suggests that things need to be spiced up and suggests a threesome. what is your reaction? Uh, NOT!!
2. you are doing the shopping at the grocery store and there is one bad habit you wish your mate would give up and it's on your list to buy. Do you conveniently forget the item or go ahead and feed their habit? I am a sucker, I feed the habit. I figure if you can get it at the grocery, it's safe.
3. Your spouse/mate/date is driving and you are feeling seriously scared about the speed the they are traveling. You have already complained twice about their driving skills. Do you demand they slow down? or bite your lip? Will they call you a backseat driver and will an argument more than likely breakout? This is normal and I am now used to it. Complaining does NO good, so I just hold on tight and bite my lip. And no he does not call me a back seat driver.
5. Tell us about something that you can do that more than likely not a lot of other people can do. I have no idea what that would be.
6. Do you still have any of your childhood toys that might be worth some money? Yes, one of my baby dolls and don't really care how much it's worth, I am keeping it.
7. what is/was your all time favorite Beatles Song?? "A Hard Day's Night"
8. If you felt motivated to really tighten up the house hold budget, what item would you need to give up to save money? Cable, internet (this would probably kill me), city water (we have a good well also)
Please Join in every week and please leave your link in the MR Linky box HERE- to tell us where your answers are.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Wordless Wednesday...kinda

Tuesday, July 21, 2009
MckLinky Blog Hop. . .Recipe Swap
Okay, so here goes:

Uncle Curtis' Mac & Cheese
1 lb macaroni
1 stick + 1 TBS butter
1/2 cup shredded Munster cheese
1/2 cup shredded Sharp Cheddar cheese
1/2 cup shredded Montrey Jack cheese
1/2 cup shredded Mild Cheddar
2 cups Half & Half
1 cup Velveeta cheese cut into cubes
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Lightly butter a 2 1/2 qt casserole dish
1. Cook macaroni just until tender (approx 7 min), drain well then return to cooking pot.
2. In small saucepan, melt butter and stir into cooked macaroni.
3. In a large bowl mix all the cheeses.
4. Add to macaroni - the Half & Half and 1 2/3 cups of the shredded cheese mix and eggs.
5. Season with salt & pepper.
6. Transfer to baking dish and cover with remaining cheeses.
7. Dot with 1 TBS butter.
8. Bake until bubbly around edges (about 35 minutes).
**I use lots more cheese I usually double the cheese because I am all about the cheese.

Monday, July 20, 2009
Finally complete!!
Whoot whoot I am jumping for joy and dancing in the street. I just may drink me a margarita! Oh darn, I have kiddos in a couple hours.

I would say I'm an ADDICT
. . .and now I have to tell him that he is right. Ooo, that's not good.
If you want to take the quiz just click on the picture above. Make sure you come back and let me know how addicted you are or aren't.

Monday Crazy Question #2

This weeks meme: HELTER SKELTER
Welcome to the July 20 version of Monday Crazy Questions.(which is posted by Sunday eve)
Every Monday questions are posted that I hope are a little thought provoking!
This is just a short meme meant to have some quick fun and not get too tedious! Copy and paste the questions onto your blog, answer the questions and DON'T FORGET TO SIGN IN MR LINKY here
1. What is one thing that will put a great big ole smile on your face? Seeing my daughter and Hubby's smile.
2. Your walking down the street toward a very familiar face. As you get closer you realize you do not remember this persons name at all. Do you speak with the chance that they'll want to stop and chat or do you pretend that you don't see the person? If I like them, I will say "Hello" if I don't like them I pretend to not see them.
3. Are you the Rock or the sponge of your household? I would like to think I am a rock.
4. You have gone over to a friends for dinner. You look down at your plate and notice a great big ole hair hanging out from inside your sandwich. What do you do? That has never happened to me and I am not sure what I would do.
5. If you HAD to name one....who would you say is your role model? I would have to say "Aunt J"
6. Have you raised children? if so do you think your parenting skills were top notch or could have used a little help from Dr Phil? I don't need help from Dr. Phil, even though I like him. Our daughter is 20 and we could not have asked for a better child.
7. Would your -(Past or present)- mate/spouse, significant other/whatever -say that living with you has been like a gentle breeze or more like a hurricane? I would have to say that they would say "Hurricane"
8. When you shop at the grocery store, do you always shop exactly by a list or just go helter skelter and hope that you get home with most of what you need? I love to have a list because if I don't I forget half of what I went for and get things I don't need.
Please Join in every week and please leave your link in the MR Linky box here- to tell us where your answers are.

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Sunday Stealing: Heretic Meme

1. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you lay in a bed with? My Hubby of course.
2. Where was the last place you went out to eat? Subway
3. What was the last alcoholic beverage you consumed? Margarita on the rocks w/salt - yesterday
4. Which do you prefer - eyes or lips? eyes
5. Medicine, fine arts, or law? law
6. Best kind of pizza? pepperoni, double cheese, onion, bacon, pineapple
7. What is in store for your future? Money hopefully :)
8. Who was the last band you saw live? Band? Hank Williams Jr
9. Do you take care of your friends while they are sick? Fortunately no
10. How many songs are on your iPod? Who says I have an iPod?
11. Where is the last place you drove to? Our friends "R & A"'s house
12. Where did your last kiss take place? Kissed Hubby goodbye on "R & A"'s porch
13. What were you doing at 11:59 PM on Monday night? I better have been sleeping
14. Are you a quitter? Absolutely NOT!!!!!
15. Who was the last person you had in your house? My daughter just left, but she lives here.
15. What do you think about people who party a lot? Alcoholics!!
16. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Depends but not really
17. What was the last CD you purchased? Have no clue but I know it was for my daughter last year for Christmas.
18. What are two bands or singers that you will always love? Night Ranger & Queen
19. Which of the seven deadly sins are you guilty of? Gluttony (eating)
20. How is your last ex doing? DON'T KNOW & DON'T CARE.

Small Talk Six: My Stomch Screams "NO"

Small Talk Six topics for 2009.It will be interesting to see how each participant interprets this week’s topic
Today’s topic is “6 flavors of ice cream that you love or hate” You can answer this with a list of 6 words, 6 phrases, 6 sentences, 6 paragraphs, 6 photos, 6 videos, etc . .
1. Vanilla - love it
2. Chunky Chocolate Peanut Butter Binge - love it
3. Butter Pecan - love it
4. Chocolate - hate it
5. Cookie Dough - hate it
6. Moose Tracks - hate it

Thursday, July 16, 2009
I received an Award

LoveMy2Dogs is one of my followers who writes a great blog.
So, Thanks Granny M!!
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate up to 10 blogs which show great attitude and/or gratitude!
3. Be sure to link your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Remember to link the person from whom you received your award.
I have decided to nominate the following:
NightOwlMama - because I love her stories and I'm inspired by her honesty and she is always commenting, commenting, commenting. :)
AuntRene - because she always has an uplifting comment for me when I'm down, that and she is my SIL.
3KidsandUs - I just love her blog for way too many reasons to list.
John Deere Mom - I love reading her stories and her comments.
I am Harriet - I just love reading her posts, they are always interesting.
For those of you who I am passing this award on to, I hope you continue to read my posts (rants) and leave me some comment love.

Wooooooo, I'm hacked!!
I just had to go to my grandparents house because the alarm company called and said the alarm was going off. So, I hop in the Trailblazer and take off and away I go. I get to their house and there is a realtor there showing the house to someone I know. So of course I am chatting with her and she says "I talked to "J" (who is my SIL) and she told me, "We have been working up there and had a couple garage sales." Who the hell is "WE"? Maybe she is an imaginary person and goes up there when I am not there. If she is I sure wish that she would do something while she is there because it is just like I left it when I return. What gives other people the right to claim that "they" helped when in fact they did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. She did come up to "help" with one garage sale, but all she did was sat out in the middle of the driveway condescending her daughter the whole time. She wiped off 5 old books from the dirty garage and laid them in the drive beside her. That's it!! What the hell is she thinking? Ooooo some people are just STUPID, STUPID, STUPID and piss me off. I have just about had it with all the bull-crap. My blood is boiling!! No wonder my Doctor says that I am over-stressed. Lord, give me the strength not to ......

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Wordless Wednesday. . .old finds

Tuesday, July 14, 2009
So now "I" am the ASS
But for a little update, I have been cleaning out the house of my Dad's parents. Now he has a brother who has 3 sons and I have 1 brother but some how I was left responsible for the selling and cleaning out of the house. You see, my grandparent's moved into an Assisted Living Facility somewhere around last Aug. or Sept. So along with some help from my Hubby and two aunts on my MOM's side of the family I am done except for the garage. We have went through more stuff than I would have ever imagined would fit into a 3600+ square foot house that they have lived in for about 50 years.
Well today, I became the Ass somehow, I guess. My uncle who has been NO help what so ever during this whole thing accused my dad of stealing his pool cue that he bought we he was 15. Now that was about 50 years ago. He found it in the house last Thursday and carried it out into the garage and put it into a cabinet because he was going to take it home with him. At this point I am not sure why he didn't walk it the other 20 feet and put it in his car is beyond me. He knew I was cleaning out the house and throwing junk away so what he was thinking is ...obviously he was not thinking. So anyway he goes up there today with my dad and goes to get his pool cue out of the cabinet and guess what. Yep, the cabinet was empty, not even a speck of dust. He blew up and started accusing my Dad of stealing it and he went off the deep end. What a jerk.
So, here is what happened to his dumb 50 year old pool stick. I threw it in the trash. Yep, in the trash. But luckily for him my Aunt J saw it in the trash and asked her son who was up there buying some furniture if he wanted it. It was in the trash so that makes it "fair game". Well I had to call him today and ask for it back. Now I am the ass. I felt really stupid but what am I to do?
I called my lazy uncle and told him I had his darn pool stick (that I would have loved to stick somewhere). Ooo he was very short with me, polite but short. Oh well no loss on my end. It just ticks me off. I have been telling them to get their crap out of there. Well tonight I gave him the final warning. He better get anything he wants out of the garage or I will throw it away this weekend. I think he got my drift.
I have busted and busted my butt up there and I will not put up with others being a pain in my butt.

Thank You!!