1. Good times: __seem to be happening less and less___.
2. __I need a maid to come to__ my home.
3. Sleigh bells ring __aren't you listening__.
4. ___Some bow chicka wow wow might help a___ little.
5. Once more ___I need some happy drugs___.
6. __Does this crazy madness ever come to an__ end?
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to __absolutely nothing__, tomorrow my plans include __keeping daycare kiddos__ and Sunday, I want to ___try to find time to visit the grandparents__!
If you want to visit more Friday Fill-Ins posts or play along, you can over at Friday Fill-Ins.

I hope your nothing turns into something fun. When the maid leaves your house, please send her to mine.
ReplyDeleteI love your blog!!! It is beautiful.
ReplyDeleteOh I need a maid too....she would really bring good times back :)
ReplyDeleteHappy FF!
Enjoy your weekend!
I could use a maid as well, and yes I am listening there was a young man on the bus the other night singing christmas carols how sweet