Saturday, February 28, 2009
Small Talk Six: What Makes You Smile?

Friday, February 27, 2009
Best Giveaway Yet!

She will be giving away 4 bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce. She will pick 2 winners and you will each become the owners of 2 bottles of the Great Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce.

Lynette from Crazed Mind gave me this award. This is the first award I have received and I thank her for it.
Ok, so here is how this goes. First I ask if you will pop on over to Crazed Mind and give some bloggy love to Lynette!
Then follow on down and see if you are one of my winners. If you are not so lucky this time please go and let the winners think they are great (or that they stole your award)!
There are rules that go along with accepting this award:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate 10 blogs that show great Attitude and/or Gratitude.
(If you don't have 10 that's okay too)
3. Be sure to link your nominees in your post.
4. Let them know that they received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Share the love and link this post to the person from whom you received your award.
So to fulfill my obligations I nominate:
Life In A House of Blue!
I am sorry but that is all the followers I have in blogging.
Thanks to all the award winners for joining my followers list. It is greatly appreciated.
Make sure you all go on over to AuntRene's to enter her very first giveaway.
She will be giving away 4 bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce. She will pick 2 winners and you will each become the owners of 2 bottles of the Great Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
"The Stress Eater Diet"
Thursday...two more days of kiddos
I bowled lastnight and we did pretty good we won two out of three games and we took total.
I started walking on the treadmill on Monday and I am proud of myself. I have done it three nights in a row. Yeah! I just have to keep it up. I borrowed my daughter's Ipod to listen to and I don't think I will ever run out of music to hear. She has like 530 some songs on it. I made the mistake lastnight of listening to the songs in alphabetical order by artist and it's kinda hard to go from listening to Alabama to listening to Avril Lav. I will get that figured out before tonight.
That sister in law of mine just keeps on winning and winning. I told her that is just WRONG! I have only won one giveaway and it was a ring that I am still waiting on because it had to be made in my size.
Well, we had someone come to look at our roof today that was damaged in the wind storm we had a couple of weeks ago. They said we need all new shingles and vents. That's good if the insurance is paying for it all but bad if they don't. Now I get to go pick up all the shingles out of the back yard. Fun Fun!!
Well I have two more days of kids and I have a day off. I actually have kids all night tomorrow. I gave all my daycare parents a coupon for a free night of care as a christmas gift and they are all slowly using them. I guess I should have worded it "A Free Evening of Care" not "A Free Night of Care" but, it's too late now. That's okay though because all the parents really appreciated it so that's what matters.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Oh, wait
Terrific Tuesday
And Rene I always listen to what people tell me..............I would not enter a giveaway you were trying to win. lol
Monday, February 23, 2009
Free Sub From QUIZNOS
Monday Mayhem
We didn't get mother goose done today as it was just plain crazy here. The kids didn't want to sit still for anything. They just wanted to run, jump and sing today. That's okay though because they should nap good. Sometimes you'll have that.
In between the kids jumping, running and singing my 9 month old puppy decides she needs to pee on the floor. She hasn't done that in a while. Maybe too much playing with the kids. With all that going on our daughters dog decided he needed to throw up four times within about 20 minutes. Thank goodness it was just water. For some reason the silly dog doesn't like to burp. If he drinks too fast and needs to burp he just pukes instead. Of course he waited to do all that about five minutes after our daughter left for college. How convenient. At this point I am ready to give in.
Then it's lunch time so I decided that we are going to have sausage, mush, toast and fried apples. Well finally something turns out right. Then......while we are sitting in the daycare room at the table eating I smell something....then I turn around and I see it............smoke everywhere. Turning the pan off would have been a really wonderful idea, but why would I have done that? So I had to turn on the fans, open the windows (it's 19 degrees outside) to air out the house. Well the kids had big fun with that when they finished eating. We did whole thing about crawling under the smoke in your house, which was a good learning tool. How else could you practice that drill adequately? Then I laughed to myself when the kids were talking about how I about made my house burn down and then they would not have a "babysitter" because I would be dead. They looked at me and one said "Tammy, don't do that again I like to come to your house and if it's on fire I can't come anymore.
Then I get this crazy idea that while the kids are starting to lay down for nap I will try to figure out why the daycare computer monitor decided to shrink the display last Friday while we were playing Hello Kitty. Fun!! Well I no longer have to try to figure it out because when I had a brilliant idea of turning it off then back on it made a loud snap and will not come back on. So it's simply fried. Time for a new monitor. Well that won't happen for a while. At least not until the Hubby goes back to work, which hopefully is sooner than later. Enough of my day.
You should all go over to my sister-in-laws site and enter to win 2 bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce. She will be choosing two winners to receive 2 bottles each. So stop on over at and enter.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Hubby went grocery shopping with me!
Well, its here, my sister-in-law is having her very first giveaway today. She is giving away 2 bottles of Country Bob's All Purpose Sauce to two different winners. Her site is . So make sure you stop over there and enter her giveaway.
I would also like to say "Thanks" to all the Welcomistas for welcoming me to the SITSahood. I will be checking out all your sites sooner or later.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Childcare Training Left ME Speechless!!
Another bright so called provider says this about getting her kids to eat and drink certain things. "My kids call grape juice "Alien Blood" and they call apple juice "Beer." Some people are just dumb. No brains at all. And they wonder why there is always negative crap about daycare providers in the news.
I left that meeting totally flabbergasted. Wondering if I will ever forget the comment about the little girl sleeping through most anything. I hope that woman felt embarrASSed.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Spring Fever
I have finally givin up on putting a new layout on the Lampherefamilytree site for now. It has been driving me crazy and I can take it no longer I need a break. The only one that I can get to upload is the one on here, and I don't want to do that. No twinkies.
Today is a rather boring day. Only have one kiddo. That's no fun. We have done a lot of one on one stuff and S.S. is such a smart little one that I need to find more for her to do.
I entered a few more giveaways today but have not won anything else since the ring.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
OKA b. Shoes That Love You - Giveaway!
It's FREEZING outside...
I went out to put a kiddo on the Headstart bus and we decided to come back inside because she said she was going to turn into a "Girl Popcicle" The things kids say. My kiddo S.S. said today "This shaushage (sausage) is very gooooood indeed." She is such a hoot.
Well I skipped out on bowling lastnight. I wasn't feeling the best. Had a major sinus headache or should I say face-ache. I am so tired of that crap too.
I would like to welcome Auntie B. from Penn. to blogging. "HELLO!!" I haven't seen her in forever. We never seem to get to Penn. anymore. We really need to get there and visit with everybody. I know that the family has really grown since we were there last.
Well I am off to text my Aunt J.. to get our Friday Night Girls Card Game in motion and try to plan ahead what we are going to eat for supper. We always seem to wait till the last minute to decide. I do believe tonight we are going to play at my cousin J..'s house.................After I do that I am going try to win a few giveaways.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
It's a dreary day outside....
But boy, Hubby could not wait to get out of the house soon enough when they started that. Okay, so they were a little loud. But they were having fun. Hubby is off the take our niece T.. off to find her another car. He says hers sounds like an airplane. I hope it does not sound like the yellow one that flies around here. I think he was crop dusting or something yesterday and Hubby threatens to send a muffler to the airport with a note for him to install it on that plane. It's kinda fun to see him get upset at an airplane in the sky because it's too loud. :)
Well my favorite daughter (my only one) should be home soon with me some chinese to eat so I am going to go get some things cleaned up before my food arrives. And yes Rene is from Hunan, the best chinese ever. Opps, she's here. No cleaning for me....darn
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Today Was So Much Better
I have to tell you all about the supper me and my hubby had. It was thanks to my Mom and Dad. They had ordered some Omaha Steaks and wanted us to try them and lucky for me one of their three freezers quit and I also got some crab legs. Yummy Yummy. So being selfish I fixed them tonight while the daughter was at working making pizza's. And just so you all know I texted her to see if she wanted me to fix her some so when she gets home she can eat it. I am not that mean. Here is what I had: Fillet Mignon, Crab Legs and baked potato. Awesome. Here is what the Hubby had: Fillet Mignon, mac and cheese (yes it was Kraft) and tator tots. He likes to have mac and cheese with steak to me that just sound so wrong, but he is weird like that.
For all you family members in Penn. that I haven't seen in a very long time and to those of you I saw this past summer "HELLO!" Rene said you have been checking us out. I hope while you are doing that you are entering the giveaways. I think we need to team up and try to pass Rene on her wins:) lol
Well I am off the watch CSI NY. I mistakenly got my Hubby hooked on those types of shows and I swear he DVR's at least 10 per day. Between the CSI's and Law & Order's I may never get to watch Brother's and Sister's again. HaHa!!
Let's finish the crazy monday story
I sent the boys in to wash their hands for supper and silly me I left the brand new bottle of Fabric Softner sitting on the bathroom counter. guessed it It landed upside down, shattering the lid. Exactaly what is the best way to clean up a big bottle of fabric softner? Well silly me again, I used bath towels. Now I have three of the softest and most unabsorbable towels I have ever seen.
On to my other crazy thing. I am extremely tired so I am off to bed about 10:30pm and my little "CUTE" 9 month old Sophie goes to bed with me. That is our nightly ritual. Well after about 15 minutes she wants out of my bedroom. I was thinking she wanted to go play with Motley (that's my daughter's dog for those of you who don't know). What was I thinking. Maybe I wasn't. about 11:45pm I turned over in bed and yep you guessed it. She didn't want to go play with Motley, she had to pee. And since she will usually only go outsied for me (she's spoiled) and I wasn't up to let her out.........she decided to pee on my feet. How nice!! She is still alive and I say that because if my hubby would have been in that bed asleep and had to get up for me to change the sheets because there was pee on his feet he would have probably killed her (not really). But lucky dog, he was still at his sisters house.
Monday, February 16, 2009
On a happier note here is a picture of my BIG dog Shadow. He is half Lab and half NewFoundland and weighs in at 140 and is 8 years old and a big ole baby. He is a diabetic dog. Ever heard of that? I didn't until he got sick. Now he gets 32 units of insulin twice a day. Poor doggie. I will get a pic of my little Sophie on here sometime soon. Need to get them off the camera first.
I told you today was CRAZY
Today Things Are Just Crazy
I can't seem to become a follower of any blog. There is never a link for me to click. Maybe no one wants me to follow them. I am telling you all it's a crazy monday.
Anyway the purpose of this second post is to give you all the link to my sis-in-law's blogsite. It is make sure you leave her a comment to let her know you were there (and leave me one too). She will be having her first giveaway in the near future. So make sure you keep checking back.
Oh What a Monday!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
I had a great time lastnight!!
Well we went to see George Jones last night. They had a tribute to Conway Twitty that included both of his daughters. The whole show was really good. Better than I expected. We went to eat a my all time favorite restaurant TGI Friday! We had an awesome night.
I found this new site that you all need to check out, called Kidz. She will be giving away two prizes per day during the period of Feb. 16 - 20. The site is I have also added the button on the right that you can just click on. Good luck to everyone who enters.
Here are some other sites for you to visit for giveaways:
Janice is giving away ladybug bean bags at
Katie is giving away flip flops at
Theo is giving away two votives from Biso Boutique at
$avings Makes ¢ents is giving away a $25 gift card to at
Okay well I have spent some time entering for giveaways but now the Daytona 500 is coming on.
Friday, February 13, 2009
I have had an easy day with kids today. It started at 3:30am with two boys who were grouchy but they went back to sleep until 6:30. I had other kids come and go but for the most part I have had only two kids at a time today. How easy is that. We did Vday stuff today and did some cleaning:) Tonight is the regular "Girls Card Game" night. I think all 5 of us are playing and we will be eating pizza. That's about as exciting as it gets.
Not much time to do giveaways so far today. Had to clean during nap but there is always time after cards:)
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I just had to come back

Here is my favorite giveaway so far. I think every parent should have at least one of these and every daycare provider should have at least two.
Here is another good one for a self esteem journal for boys and girls
Here is a giveaway for a child's artwork.
TOO much wind here for me and my roof!!
I do believe that I have became addicted (Thanks Rene)! The kids are napping and I am surfing the givaways and found some really great ones. I have to make myself stop. I need a nap myself.
Here is a link to a cool site and their giveaway from The Shrunks is really neat, especially for parents who have children with fears.
Finding Joy in the Journey ( is giving away a soy candle. I love these.
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
I just went to this great site: It is a site that you could win an 8G Apple iPod Touch! And I didn't know that Walmart had 11 Mommies either. But I sure am liking them now that I know. Make sure you go there and leave your comment.
I also commented on a $250 Lowes giftcard giveaway. Wouldn't that be totally awesome!! I am going to keep blogging and trying to win more giveaways!!